Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Project "Nani": The Faithful Steed

No story is complete without the faithful pet... in this case the extremely intimidating, fearless, attic dwelling World War II series lightening fast steed that has kept Nani company through many lonely and at times scary adventures in the God awful basements of "The House". No one remembers its name anymore. Nani suffering from severe amnesia from her war days, does not remember it either. After reading the fading letters on the side we could make out "HotRod", based on which we (Nani and myself) have decided to call him "Shera (Punjabi for Lion)". Be Scared!!!


Sufian said...

boohoohahahahahahahaha, fit!

bt said...

what a khooni nani!

Wabbit said...

hahah bohot aala

Ent said...