Sunday, July 13, 2008

Project Human Anatomy: 101

Ok... i agree that i've been slacking off lately... but all for good reason... i've been wanting to learn more about the human muscle system and Zbrush for a while now... so rather than dishing out a few quick posts...
i decided to combine the two studies and apply all that i keep learning about the body into sculpting in Zbrush. Almost done with my first model... this guy has been modeled keeping Meb Keflezighi (2004 Olympic runner for 10,000 meters) as a reference. The ears and the final details for the whole body are up next. hopefully in a day...


Wabbit said...

He's missing some rather important parts of the male anatomy if you ask me. *grin*

JOE® said...

Yo. Check out how to pose him so its not just the bind pose. If you arent planning on rigging him and just using him to have a turntable this is good stuff.
