Sunday, July 13, 2008

Project "Nani": Phase V

Nani's first animation test. Considering that i haven't been very regular in uploading stuff... I figured it is only fair to share this with you guys. Not to forget... Nani has been wanting to get up and walk for a while now... As far as you animation experts are concerned... which technically i should eventually become if all goes as planned... this was strictly a rig test and i agree isn't even half done. Either ways... Enjoy!!! Nani finally walks and jumps and stuff... :P


Wabbit said...

hahahaha.. awesome! Flatten that hat I say!

Ben said...

wow! i was rooted with all the phases of nani.

bt said...

pardner, v sexy! this has got to be my fave character you've made. good stuff!

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooh hamza mama1thats so kooool!u made it or another friend?

maham said...

its really good!